
传统是大学生活的核心. 源自拉丁语,字面意思是“传下来”," these are the things that bind us together in the Central experience, 代代相传. 从高度正式的传统到荒谬的, they are an integral part of what it means to have been a student and to be alumni.


中央大学现在的母校取代了原来的母校, 伴随着赞美诗《芬兰," in the 1980's as a way to express CMU's mission as the College that Cares, 由两位CMU教授共同撰写, Dr. Don Eidson(歌词)和Dr. R. 保罗·德拉蒙德(音乐).

Our voices raise with joyous pride, Our Central we adore thee.

永远的中心! 我们要歌颂他们. 我们的母校! 我们的声音向你升起.
The playing field, the concert hall, And old familiar scenes;
The years may come and go for us, The days too quickly pass,

永远的中心! 我们要歌颂他们. 我们的母校! 我们的声音向你升起.


The original fight song, Hail Victory, was written in 1938 by Robert E. 小Stepp.他当时是中央学院乐队的学生. Upon coming back to Central for his 50th anniversary in 1990, he was amazed that we were still using the fight song he had written as a student. Deciding that there needed to be a new fight song, he contacted Prof. 基思家, 时任斯温尼音乐学院院长, 让他找人写一首新的战斗歌, 250美元的佣金. 豪斯教授联系了安迪·格洛弗, a 1983 CMU alumnus and current Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Barnhouse Publishing Company, 谁为一首新的战斗歌曲作曲和作词, 战斗的鹰. 这为中环带来了难得的殊荣, as the new was simply added to the original so that for a time, CMU在2005年之前有两首战斗歌曲, when the new song was formally adopted as the official fight song of Central Methodist University.




The Central experience begins and ends with a significant tradition - passing under the tower. 在新生大会上, 开学第一天, freshmen line up on the sidewalks and are led under the tower and into the church to begin their career as CMU students. 等他们完成四年学业, they line up for the procession for their Baccalaureate service, 标志着他们从学生到毕业生的转变.


One of the most beloved traditions for Central's graduates is the Baccalaureate procession on the morning of Commencement Day. Students and faculty line up in their Academic Regalia on the Quad before the Baccalaureate service in Linn Memorial Chapel. As the procession begins the students line the sides of the sidewalk and applaud their faculty as they process through. 当全体教员接近教堂入口时, they split to the sides of the sidewalk and applaud the students as they process through and enter the church.


不管你是哪一代的人. 240 holds a special place in students' hearts as the winding road that never seems to end on your way to or from home, 或者只是在哥伦比亚度过一个夜晚. 在镇南5英里处, 在路的东北侧坐落着幸运谷仓, 在山谷深处, 它的脸上装饰着被子图案. 故事的细节每十年都在变化, but every true Eagle knows that to pass by the Lucky Barn without honking - once for each passenger and once for the barn - is to risk a decidedly unlucky outcome. 问问校友十大博彩平台谷仓里那个男孩的事……


说到幽灵般的传说, 市中心有一些严重闹鬼的建筑, with the Fayette campus consistently being ranked as one of America's top colleges for the paranormal. From long gone band directors roaming under the Church Tower late at night and the boy that wanders Brannock Hall to the girl on 5th Floor Howard Payne Hall and the innumerable sightings of the inexplicable in virtually every space on campus, traditions at Central span from this dimension to the next!



No home football game in Fayette is complete without a trip to the square to take in the Marching Eagles. The Marching Band still keeps a time-honored tradition of marching from in front of the steps of Linn Memorial Chapel to the Howard County Courthouse steps to perform tunes and get the home crowd geared up for the game. 就像历史悠久一样, 但执行频率较低, the band traditionally marches back down to the square for a celebratory concert in the event of a home team win. 去鹰!


60多年来, Central's students and alumni alike gathered at MacMillan's Café - known affectionately as Mac的 - as a legendary local watering hole, a mainstay of homecoming reunions and the proverbial place where everybody knows your name. While Mac的 closed in 2003, the legend continues through the many stories. 问问校友他们在Mac餐厅最喜欢的时光!


Beginning sometime in the early 20th century - the exact year is not known - a tradition developed that, 当足球队赢得一场主场比赛, 学生会将在总统官邸游行, 然后位于离校园只有一个街区的林恩街, 并要求请一天假. 记录显示至少有两次是这样, they were successful in getting classes cancelled for the day. But don't get your hopes up - Eagle Football has come a long way from those days when wins were a much rarer commodity!


建于1858年, the co-ed residence hall known as Howard-Payne is so-named because it originally housed students for Howard Female College, 最终在1922年与中央学院合并. 原建筑的一部分包括宏伟, 有盖的砖砌门廊, where many a coed mingling would take place at the extraordinarily late hours of 8 and 9pm! A last goodnight kiss when the dorm mother rang the bell became a standard lover's tradition till the porches had to be removed when they became structurally unsound.


Initiation rites are as intertwined with the college experience as any other tradition. One such 'first week" tradition entailed the freshmen men being marched out of the (then) all-male McMurry Hall late at night and marched over to the all-female Howard-Payne. The ladies would have the windows open and the men would be told to say hello, 或者祈求下雨, 在此基础上, 准备好他们的水桶, 会浇那些可怜的新生吗, who would then be marched back to McMurry singing songs with the upperclassmen.


对许多代学生来说, late night hunger meant a run to the Windmill (later called the Bobber Café) Truckstop in Boonville for their infamous 24/7 breakfast. While biscuits and gravy may not be available at 1am any longer (the Bobber has since closed), dodging the New Franklin Police on the way home is still a freshmen rite of passage - literally.